Energy Feeling Drained?

by Theresa Maguire | Published on July 27, 2021

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Are these energy zappers part of your vocabulary?


What are energy zappers and how do you know if they have unwittingly been sneaking into your life?

If you’re a busy professional women, having enough energy to get the stuff on your “to do” list done might be in short supply.

Would an extra boost of energy be a welcome treat?

It might not be as hard as you think… or maybe it’s all about what you think.

Did you know the words you use can influence how you feel?


Things You Didn’t Learn In School

  • Everything is energy; in fact, quantum physics suggests that matter doesn’t even exist. 

                    Whew, that blew my mind!

  • If everything is energy, then your thoughts, feelings and emotions are energy too. 

                    So what does that mean?

  • What you say affects how you feel.  The more you hear yourself say something, the more you believe it to be true. 


    Okay, bottom line, energy being EVERYTHING it is and ALL, when you change the words you use it changes the energy of how you feel.  Wow! 

    That’s actually something you can control, unlike time (which doesn’t actually exist either – a story for another day)!


    The 4 “Energy Zappers”

    Here are four phrases that you can change right away.  Whenever you hear yourself saying one of these statements, STOP, REFOCUS and REPHRASE it!


    “I have more work to do than I can get done”

    So true as long as we keep telling ourselves there is more work to do. 

    For sure, we have a lot on our plate, but who said it’s always our job to clean the plate?  Maybe some things just don’t need to get done today or this week or even this month. 

    When this zapper pops up ask, “what’s my number one priority to get done today?” 

    When you mark it off your list, acknowledge your accomplishment. Bask in the celebration and let that feeling overshadow the other things you still have left on your plate.


    “More on the “to do” list than time to do it!”

    Well, stop putting things on your to do list.  Yep, you heard me.  But you say, “if I don’t do it, who will?”  

    It’s time to delegate, my friend! 

    Give yourself permission to let go of the things others can do for you.  I get it, this can be scary and may bring up a lot of feelings and fears.

    But, when you give others more responsibility, you are balancing the energetic scales between giving and receiving. When you over-give it means you are under-receiving and that will definitely drain your energy supply.

    As you allow others to contribute to you and your workload, the balance of energy returns and with it you will have new found ideas and inspiration to get excited about!

    Just be prepared… you will have to give up the title of “superwoman.” I mean really what would you do with a little bit of “me time”?


    “Another long day and nothing to show for it”

    Really? That’s a bunch of hogwash. 

    Take a minute and go through your day.  It’s probably going to take more than a minute, because you did a lot! You just need to give yourself credit for it. 

    Instead of focusing on all you didn’t get done, let’s focus on everything YOU DID! 


    “I’m exhausted”

    Yep, you should be, that list was long.  But, let’s not go there.

    Saying your exhausted only makes you feel more exhausted.  And the more exhausted you feel the more you tell yourself how exhausted you are.  It’s a vicious circle. 

    Time to get off the hamster wheel. How about a rephrase… something like, “I did so much today and I feel grateful for how much I checked off the list!

    Time to celebrate as you ZAP your energy zappers away!

    It can be easy to get stuck in word patterns… I know, they get the best of me too.  And, if left unchecked they can pull you into overwhelm.  But, you got this!

    It all starts with paying attention to the words you say and if they are really supporting how you desire to feel.  If not, you can rephrase your words to match how you would like to feel.  And, as you tap into this awareness you can begin to take back control of your time instead of being a victim to it.  

    If you’re ready to master your energy and connect to your success mindset, let’s talk.  If you have colleague who can benefit from these tips, please share this article with them, so they too can learn how to spot potential energy zappers.


    Theresa Maquire

    Big Hugs,

    My dear friend I believe that when we are aligned with our soul calling we will thrive in every aspect of our human experience. I help women reconnect with their authenticity, know their truth, master a loving mindset, and make themselves a priority in their lives.  Because when you let go of how you've been defined you'll uncover who you truly are. 

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