Empowerment Coach


Empowerment Coach

You’re committed to living your life on purpose and you’re devoted to making a bigger impact by sharing your gifts with others.

But, fear, overwhelm and distraction keep pulling YOU off course.

It feels like your inner critic is running the show and you’re questioning if you’re on the right path.  And yet, deep down inside you hear the whispers of your heart.  You know it’s time to let go of the resistance and BE who you know you’re meant to be.

It’s time to take back your power and claim your confidence, but you don’t know where to start.  So, you’re searching for answers…


Personal Coach Theresa Maguire


Hi, I’m Theresa Maguire and I help women aspiring for more let go of overwhelm and tune into their inner guidance for clarity, balance and ease.  Why? So they can step confidently into the full potential of who they desire to be and live a more authentic, fulfilling life.

I’m passionate about helping women live more aligned and balanced lives!  Because 20 years ago, my life was busy with work projects and family obligations. 

And, then one morning I woke up and realized I was on auto-pilot.  I wondered, what was the purpose of my busy life?  What was the next version of who I desired to be?

From the outside looking in, it appeared I was on the right path. I had a Masters’s degree in business, a great job in event planning, a beautiful home, a loving husband, a son I adored.  Society would be proud. I’d accomplished everything they had told me would make me happy and I was. Yet there was a yearning in my soul.  Something was missing.  So, I began searching for answers.


The searching led me to realize I was living a life based on everyone else’s expectations of who I was supposed to be. And in the process, I had lost myself. 

As a woman, I thought it was my responsibility to take care of everyone else. And as a result I was putting everyone else’s needs before mine. My favorite phrase was, “as soon as I finish this project.” But, there was always another pressing project and more tasks on the “to do list” than time in the day.

<>The mental and emotional exhaustion along with the physical burden of being more than 100 pounds overweight defined my life.  My adrenals were shot, my cortisol levels were through the roof. I even worked with double pneumonia for three days before seeing a doctor just to meet a deadline. 

Why?Because I didn’t want to disappoint anyone.

It was at this point in my life that I finally heard the whisper from my soul. The message was clear – that in my quest to be all things to all people, the only person I was disappointing was me.


So, I set out to know myself at a deeper level, to find my soul mission. This led me down a path of learning new and exciting things I didn’t even know existed.

A whole new world opened up for me as I studied feng shui, numerology, consciousness, Law of Attraction and so much more.

Along the journey, I was led to the right teachers, mentors and empowerment coaches at the right time. They guided me to deeper levels of self-discovery, awareness and transformation showing me what I wasn’t able to see myself.


As I found my life shifting from the inside out, I began LETTING GO of the expectations, the guilt, and the overwhelm that had been my life.  I gained the confidence to live my “life purpose.”  

Designing my life instead of letting life happen to me became my new way of being. By sharing this information with others, I stepped into my soul mission as a teacher, mentor, and empowerment coach.

Now I create my life.. choosing to fill every day with adventure and joy! Helping my clients take back their lives, gain clarity and confidence is so rewarding.  I love seeing them design a life that honors their time and talents, makes them a priority and brings back balance and fulfillment in all of their relationships.

Because I learned that when you step into your TRUTH you find TRUE HAPPINESS. 


For me there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing my clients step into the highest version of who they desire to be. I love watching them shift from within by listening to their inner guidance.  And, my heart is filled with joy when they choose to BE aligned with the full expression of their soul.

It’s my experience that life flows with more clarity, balance and possibility leading to more meaning and ease when you are connected to the divine wisdom of your heart.

As a result of listening to my inner guidance and following the whispers of my heart my life definitely changed. I not only have an aligned career, a loving husband, and a son I adore… but I also made living my soul calling a priority, released more than 100 pounds. And I’m in love with the life I’m creating. 

A life that includes all of me, and values who I am as much as what I have achieved.  


The journey showed me who I really am and helped me to see what was and wasn’t my truth. I let go of the beliefs and fears that had been defining me so I could define who I truly desired to be.

By integrating my inquisitive spirit and knack for seeing life through a different lens, I guide my clients to discover their own wisdom and insights. I help them uncover their gifts, connect to their inner alignment, expand their awareness and claim their confidence.

And when I’m not working with clients I love piecing together puzzles, going to the theatre, and having long conversations with my friends exploring the mysteries of the universe.


When you listen to your inner wisdom and choose to follow your heart, your path unfolds with clarity and purpose.  As you give yourself permission to step into your POWER, self-doubt and fear will no longer be in alignment with your new direction.

So I invite you to stop searching outside of you and start knowing your TRUTH because everything you have ever needed has always been within.


Ready to start living your TRUTH

I’d love to be your guide on your journey to more balance, confidence and fulfillment.  

If you need clarity on your direction or to release beliefs that are stopping you on your path, an intensive session may be a good fit. Check out the four intensive sessions I offer here.

If you are looking for more support I offer 3-and-6-month 1:1 coaching.

Need more info about how we can work together?  Schedule a complimentary Discovery CallI invite you to set aside 20 minutes, grab your favorite coffee and let’s chat.  I’ll meet you there with a chai latte in hand!


Theresa Maquire

Big hugs,


P.S. How will your personal and professional relationships be different when you “let go” of overwhelm and struggle and step confidently into the full potential of who you are meant to be?  Let’s find out together.

Before working with Theresa I didn’t feel safe to express my feelings or acknowledge my gifts. Theresa helped me to love and embrace my feelings, develop and trust my intuition, and reconnect with what brings me joy. I remember one session when I was feeling pushed around by all the “shoulds” of the people in my life making it difficult to make a decision.  She grounded me so I could make a heart-centered decision and helped me find my voice so I could express that decision confidently.  My heart space is now open to empathy, intuition, compassion, love, and so much more, because of the safety I felt from Theresa during our sessions.


Women's Empowerment Coach

A shift in perspective leads to an open heart.  Theresa led me through a powerful exercise in which I could see what was hidden beneath the surface.  Once I had a better view of my situation, I was able to shift my perspective.  That exercise helped me discover what I didn’t want and what I really want and what has stopped me from achieving some of my desires.  As a result I signed up a new client! Thank you Theresa!


Intuitive Life Coach, EFT Practitioner

Theresa Maguire has helped facilitate me through some extremely challenging times and has always left me feeling more joyful and much lighter about whatever had been bothering me.  She has this uncanny ability and awareness that allows her to know what a person is willing to hear and what is required to shift what a person is currently experiencing as their reality.  I highly recommend anyone who is ready to step into choosing and living more consciously to work with Theresa. She’s brilliant, kind and fun to work with … thank you!


I have known Theresa for many years and also had the pleasure of working with her. Theresa is a natural when it comes to consciousness and empowerment, she shares her knowledge and wisdom in an always inspiring way. Her honest and forthright way of listening and sharing makes her an amazing teacher, speaker and consultant for personal and business growth. I am honored to call her my friend.


Wellness Entrepreneur

Theresa has been a blessing and integral part of my life journey for close to a decade. Her skill set combined with her intuitive gifts have been nothing short of amazing. We have worked together through the most challenging times of my life. What started out as learning consciousness tools to assist me through divorce while navigating single parenting, has grown into so much more.

She has taught me that the universe is listening and co-creating my life experience.

Through divorce, cancer, and career shifts, Theresa has been the place I find solid tools to implement so I can navigate this life with grace and joy, despite the circumstances. Her passion to help people seems to drive her to learn and implement new techniques which make her an amazing guide for all situations in this life.

With her constantly evolving tools and guidance, I continue to create my ideal life.  I am forever grateful.

Tracie S.

The first time I met Theresa I resonated with her loving, warm energy and immediately decided she was a coach I must work with.  She helped me get through one of the most difficult years of my life, 2022. She helped me discover limiting beliefs that had been holding me back from starting my business, she offered new perspectives on situations that I was struggling with, she taught me how to immediately shift my mental state/the way I was feeling, and she led me through incredible life-changing meditations.

She inspired/encouraged me to stand in my power by setting boundaries and communicating my needs.  She helped me gain clarity on my business goals.  She taught me the power of my words and how to alter them so I may change the way I feel and operate in this world.  After every session I felt better, I felt empowered!

I loved sharing my wins with her every week and greatly appreciated the homework she suggested – it was a great way for me to reflect and put my learnings into action.  She also taught me a deeper understanding of how energy works and helped me connect to my higher self. I loved that she was so present, intentional, and patient with me. Thank you Theresa!

Jess J.

Project Hasso

It was truly divine guidance that led me to work with Theresa. We started out working on one particular subject which quickly evolved to uncovering deeper work!

She has opened my eyes to limiting beliefs and given me tools to unblock them. Since working with her I have been able to step into my own power and heal in deeper ways. While there are many coaches/gurus out there online – there is nothing like working one on one with someone as intuitive as Theresa. She has so much wisdom and I am forever thankful for her guidance!

Holly H.


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