Being More of You: How to Turn Mind Chatter Into Inner Peace

by Theresa Maguire | Published on May 7, 2024

Banner for the blog post includes a beautiful woman in her late 40's smelling a bunch of white flowers on the tree branches. Her eyes are closes. She has light blonde wavy shoulder length hair. She is wearing a necklace, a chiffon top with see through polka dot sleeves and a white bodice with pink flowers. Text includes, "3 Keys to Being More of You" and "How to use your mind chatter to find inner peace & self-love." The Empowered To Be You Logo & Slogan "Soul Vibing for Human Thriving" is located on the right side.

Using Mind Chatter To Be More of Me

There is something to learn from our mind chatter. It offers us wisdom and insight that we can use to obtain inner peace and fall in love with who we are.

It allows us to see the beauty of the world all around us.

I invite you to take a moment to lean into the wisdom of your mind chatter and cultivate a “loving mindset”™ that will nurture and lead you to more appreciation of who you are as you navigate your human experience.

“I invite you to take a moment

to lean into the wisdom of your mind chatter.”

minding the mind chatter

There is beauty all around us! And for this I am grateful!

Have you ever noticed the purple and pink wildflowers growing on the side of the road? Such a beautiful dance as they sway to the rhythm of the breeze.

Have you ever caught the sunlight glistening off the crystals hanging in the window? Oh, how it lights up the entire room with brilliant shades of blue and gold!

And, there is such comfort hearing the song of the bluebird chirping on the back porch or the children laughing as they play hide-n-seek in the garden

It only takes a moment to stop and notice the beauty all around us.

But, for many, myself included these moments tend to get lost to the mind’s constant chatter and criticism for what still needs to be done, or what wasn’t done right, or where we are lacking in our ability to be a “good human.”

I ask you, what is a “good human” anyways?

For me, being a good human means being true to myself. And yet, knowing this fact doesn’t automatically translate into living a life true to me.

One of the first things I did on my path to knowing myself at a deeper level was to confront my “monkey mind;” the constant chatter between my ears.

This wasn’t easy – because … well my mind – it has a mind of its own.

Can you relate?

“For me, being a good human means being true to myself.

And yet, knowing this fact doesn’t automatically translate into

living a life true to me.”

listening to the mind chatter

Oh, my goodness, when you really stop and listen to what the mind has to say, it’s appalling.

The negativity, the wild stories, the false narratives, the confusion … wow!

I don’t know about you, but I believed most of what my mind was telling me to be true. Especially, what it was telling me about me.

I believed the voice of insecurity that taught me to doubt myself.

I believed the voice of reason talking me out of doing what I knew in my heart would make me happy.

I believed the voice of criticism that told me I wasn’t enough.

I believed them all.

So many voices competing for my attention – wanting me to validate their point of view as my truth.

To confirm their words were my guide. To recognize that if only I listened to the voices in my head, I would be safe, I would fit in, I would be the person I was meant to be.

It was all a lie!

“I believed most of what my mind was telling me to be true.

Especially, what it was telling me about me.”

Stepping boldly into discernment

The more I listened the louder the voices got bringing my awareness to all the thoughts molding my perceptions and expectations and fears.

It was at this point I began to realize my mind was just an “antenna” picking up on the voices in the collective with their messages of “look at me, believe me, I am the truth.”

And, so the work began – the discernment phase – learning to distinguish between my truth and the truth of others.

Since everything is energy (including our thoughts) and we live in a giant fishbowl of energy, it’s really easy to pick up energy that isn’t ours as we move through the day.

And that’s exactly what I was doing.

I began to identify which voices were genuinely mine and which voices didn’t belong to me.

I discovered all the limitation I had put on myself. I uncovered all the false narratives I kept believing were true every second of every day.

Most of these “thoughts” that I thought were mine … belonged to someone else. They weren’t mine at all.

And, here I was allowing those thoughts to define who I thought I was, my actions, my life.

Once I got this, so much changed.

One of the most powerful things I learned was not to take my mind so seriously. My mind is just a huge “thought collector” trying to sell me on someone else’s story.

“Most of these “thoughts” that I thought were mine … belonged to someone else.
They weren’t mine at all. 

And, here I was allowing those thoughts to define who I thought I was, my actions, my life.”

Taking back the narrative

And with this knowledge, I realized I had all the power.

As I listened to this chatter in my head, I could now begin to discern what I was going to believe as my truth and what I was going to discard as the truth of others.

Which led me to understanding the key to creating an inner world of peace and beauty.

Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. When we find the peace within our mind, we are able to take a moment of peace to see the beauty within us and all around us.

When I began to listen and discern, I realized that I could also change the narrative. That if my mind was collecting thoughts, why couldn’t it collect loving thoughts or thoughts that supported me and my goals?

Why did I believe that I had only one choice; that I had to believe the thoughts my mind was telling me as my truth? What if I actually fed my mind thoughts that ARE my truth.

Would I then be able to let go of believing all the false narratives swirling around in my mind?

“When I began to listen and discern, I realized that I could also change the narrative.”

Choosing a different conversation with the voices in my head

Thus, a new journey began, the journey back to loving myself.

It all started with feeding the “thought collector” my story – that I am lovable, I am worthy, I am capable. And, any time my mind wanted to challenge me, I would stand my ground.

I went through periods of conflict and confusion and deep reflection until I could see the beauty of me and show the “thought collector” THIS IS WHO I AM.

These are the thoughts that define me; that are aligned with what I desire to think, to feel, to be.

It’s been 20 years now that I have been on this journey. This journey of listening, discerning, and collecting loving thoughts.

Through hearing the voices that my mind presents, I now have the choice to believe whether or not what they are saying is true for me.

I can see how in the past, I was programmed to speak to myself in unkind ways and how this affected who I thought I was.

I also know now that I can change the conversation going on in my mind and speak to myself the way I always wanted to be spoken to.

“It all started with feeding the “thought collector” my story –

that I am lovable, I am worthy, I am capable.”

Speaking my truth

With this knowledge and awareness, I have built a vocabulary of appreciation that supports my truth, that nurtures my strengths and abilities and leads me to live on purpose instead of living everyone else’s purpose.

And because of that, I have fallen in love with the power of my thoughts and the possibilities to claim my truth and speak my mind.

Through this appreciation of my mind and knowing my truth I see the beauty of who I have always been and who I am becoming.

The appreciation of this inner beauty allows me to see the beauty all around me.

And, knowing my truth brings me inner peace and allows me to foster peace in all my relationships especially my relationship with myself.

My hope is for you to experience this too.

For you to quiet the inner critic and feel the inner peace.  For you to nurture loving thoughts so you can fall in love with the beauty of who you are and see the beauty all around you.

“I have fallen in love with the power of my thoughts and

the possibilities to claim my truth and speak my mind.”

Theresa Maquire

Big Hugs,

My dear friend I believe that when we are aligned with our soul calling we will thrive in every aspect of our human experience. I help women reconnect with their authenticity, know their truth, master a loving mindset, and make themselves a priority in their lives.  Because when you let go of how you've been defined you'll uncover who you truly are. 

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