The Power of Your Story

by Theresa Maguire | Published on August 16, 2024

Banner for the blog post includes a woman in her early 40's sitting on a bench smiling. She has long dark brown hair and is wearing a a light blue blouse. She has her chin resting in her hand. Text includes, "The Power of Your Story" and "How to re-write your story to create different outcomes." The Empowered To Be You Logo & Slogan "Soul Vibing for Human Thriving" is located on the right side.

Let me tell you a story

Remember as a kid, the anticipation you felt when you heard the words, “Once upon a time?”

As you listened intently, you hung on every word, seeing the story come to life in your mind, imagining the characters and the different ways the story might end.

Our lives are like a series of stories.

Comprised of stories that are both good and bad.

Stories others tell us about who we should be. And, stories we tell ourselves about who we are.

Sabotaging stories that defeat us before we even start. And, success stories that build confidence and catapult us to greatness.

“Our lives are like a series of stories.”

The Power of the Storyteller

It is said a story is only as good as the person telling the story.

The storyteller sets the tone, defines the direction and takes the reader on an emotional journey whether it’s a suspense filled drama or a heartwarming love story.

She creates a lasting impression out of nothing more than the thoughts she brings to life from her imagination. The storyteller decides what story gets told.

It is the storyteller who determines the fate of the characters and the outcome of the story.

“It is the storyteller who determines the fate

of the characters and the outcome of the story.”

how your story is written

According to the Law of Creation, you are the storyteller of what unfolds as your life.

This energetic law states that your thoughts, beliefs, and intentions are the tools you use to write your storylines.

When you lean into this law, you gain a super-power; one that allows you to consciously shape, influence and determine the types of outcomes you want to experience.

It is up to you to decide if your story will be filled with obstacles like disappointment and guilt or synchronistic events that make achieving your goals easy and fun.

When you write your story, you begin with nothing more than your imagination. And, as you tap into the energetic field of all possibility, you decide what is possible for you.

By changing your thoughts and beliefs you have the power to edit & revise the story you are telling about you and your day until it’s perfectly aligned with the life you wish to have.

Take a minute to let that sink in.

Imagine how different your life could be if you choose to master this super-power.

“According to the Law of Creation,

you are the storyteller of what unfolds as your life.”

What is your story?

The stories you tell yourself will dictate what you believe you can and can’t accomplish.

As you experience life, you form beliefs.  These beliefs show up in your conscious and unconscious thoughts, which then become your go-to-storylines and influence your current experiences.

Consistently saying, “I’m running late” or “there is too much to do” can become self-fulfilling prophecies.  

But, if you aren’t consciously paying attention to your thoughts and words, you may not realize how much they are affecting what you are experiencing during the day.

With the Law of Creation, you have the power to break the default cycle.

Want a different experience?

Begin by telling a different story because your reality depends on the story you tell.

What stories do you wish to tell?

“Want a different experience?

Begin by telling a different story.”

Creating a different story

Of course, this all sounds great in theory. But, how do you really master the Law of Creation?

How do you rewrite the narratives that keep you stuck believing “life happens to you” and “it is what it is?”

Get clear on the story you want to tell

With any work project or family activity, the planning stage is crucial for success. The same is true with telling your story.

In order for you to tap into the power of the Law of Creation, the first step is to get extremely clear on what it is you desire to experience.

Pay attention to your current stories

The scenarios you think about most will be the predominant themes showing up in your daily life.

Does your self-talk support or hinder your desired outcomes?

As you begin to recognize where your stories are not in alignment with what you desire to experience, you can begin to change the story.

Believe in your new story

Clarity and awareness are not enough, if you don’t also believe that you can have the outcome you desire.  What you believe will directly influence the success of whether or not your new thoughts will become your new go-to storyline. 

While affirmations can assist in creating new thought patterns, you will also want to identify and shift any underlying beliefs that may be quietly working against your desired outcomes.

“Create a new story!”

Seeing your story come to life

The Law of Creation is your ally in having the life you desire. While the concept is simple, it’s contrary to what most of us have been taught.

Learning how to rewrite your story takes time and practice.

The more you cultivate practices of awareness and release sabotaging beliefs the more you will start to see different scenarios emerging as the story you call your life.

If you found this article insightful, please share with a colleague or friend.

“The Law of Creation is your ally in having the life you desire.”

Theresa Maquire

Big Hugs,

My dear friend I believe that when we are aligned with our soul calling we will thrive in every aspect of our human experience. I help women reconnect with their authenticity, know their truth, master a loving mindset, and make themselves a priority in their lives.  Because when you let go of how you've been defined you'll uncover who you truly are. 

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