Cultivating Habits For Success

by Theresa Maguire | Published on September 5, 2024

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What’s the magic formula for success?

We all have good intentions to accomplish the goals we set for ourselves, whether it’s a small task or a life-long dream. But sometimes we can get derailed along the way.

Ever wonder why some people seem to magically find success and others struggle no matter how hard they try?

Because, I doubt many people have “I want to fail” on their bucket list.

So, what is the magic formula for achieving success? How do you manifest the perfect work environment or turn your hobby into a successful business?

How do you check your dreams off your bucket list?

“Ever wonder why some people magically find success …”

Success begins with this

No matter the situation, the one thing you have complete control over is your beliefs about who you are and what you are capable of achieving.

Whether passed down from your parents or formed from past experiences, your beliefs strongly influence the way you respond to the world around you and how you deal with obstacles and challenges. And, ultimately whether or not you cultivate success.

Your beliefs will either propel you towards what you want or sabotage your efforts.  They impact your daily attitude, the decisions you make and the actions you take.

In other words, your beliefs whether true or not become the stories you tell yourself about what is and isn’t possible for you.

The good news is you also have the power to change your stories shifting defeat into success.

“Your beliefs will either propel you towards what you want

or sabotage your efforts.”

Letting go cultivates new habits for success

When you let go of false & limiting beliefs, your story changes.  You make different choices and take more aligned actions.

And, your life begins to become what you imagined it could be.

This quote from Wayne Dyer, “change the way you look at things and the things you look at change” so accurately explains this concept.

While the concept may be easy to understand, awareness of your behaviors is key. Many times, these behaviors are on auto-pilot and you may not even be conscious that you are doing them.

If you engage in any of these behaviors you may find that they are having an impact on your ability to achieve the success you desire.

“Awareness of your behaviors is key.”

Five Behaviors that can limit success

1. Comparison

Modern society breeds comparison in almost every aspect of daily life.

While a little healthy competition may be good, consistently seeing yourself as “not making the grade” can be discouraging and affect your confidence.

Comparison can also lead to “analysis paralysis” with the result of not taking any action at all.


Where is comparing yourself to others affecting your confidence?

2. Compromise

We all make small compromises throughout the day to keep the peace and respect others.

However, when you constantly put other people’s needs before your own, it leaves little time for you to focus on your goals.

This can show up as overcommitting and saying yes when no is the healthy choice, just so you don’t disappoint the other person.

Compromise can lead to burn-out and resentment.


Where is compromise leading to overcommitment?

3. Complaining

It can be easy to get discouraged and complain about what isn’t getting done or going right.

Complaining can show up as blame and justification and create a victim mentality.

Succeeding requires us to take responsibility for our actions, whereas when you complain you are saying someone else is responsible for what is happening to you.


In what ways is complaining making you a victim of circumstance?

4. Conforming

It’s natural to want to follow the guidance of other successful people.

However, success is an individual path and looks different for everyone.

When you attempt to cultivate success based on other people’s expectations, it may not work for you.

Conforming shows up when you put more faith in other people’s methods, systems, and processes to reach your goals than you do in trusting you know what works best for you.


How has conforming slowed or halted your progress?

5. Contemplation

Believing you have to have it all figured out before you can start is one of the biggest reasons for failure.

Contemplating shows up as being indecisive, fear of doing it wrong and talking yourself out of taking any action.


Where is contemplation stopping you before you even begin?

Recognizing Patterns to cultivate success

  1. Listen to your thoughts. Tuning into the mind chatter will help you identify beliefs that are not aligned with your goals.
  2. Pay attention to how people treat you. Just like you can feel the vibe when you walk into a room, people pick up on your energy. What you are feeling and thinking will be mirrored back to you by the way others respond to you.
  3. Tune into your body.  Our bodies are incredible lie detectors and if you get the pit in your stomach or the chill on your neck, don’t disregard it.  Feel into it and trust that there is a message for you.

As you begin to recognize these patterns of behavior, you will gain greater insight into how you may be unconsciously blocking your success.

This awareness allows you to identify false beliefs so you can turn what once might have stood in your way into a new story that paves the way for your success.

Theresa Maquire

Big Hugs,

My dear friend I believe that when we are aligned with our soul calling we will thrive in every aspect of our human experience. I help women reconnect with their authenticity, know their truth, master a loving mindset, and make themselves a priority in their lives.  Because when you let go of how you've been defined you'll uncover who you truly are. 

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