My Dear Friend,
Every day you make choices big and small. Some choices you may not even be aware of because they have become habits. Even the act of choosing to have choice is a choice and a very important step to living more fully in your power.
In this article, I will share three powerful tips for choosing more choice in your life.
Choice is a Choice
Choice is like a garden. At first you only notice one beautiful flower, then you see two and then three. As you allow yourself to see more flowers in the garden you see how many choices are available to you.
If you were only to focus on the one flower, you would never see the other varieties and colors and the beauty present all around you as you stand admiring that one flower that caught your attention. You would never see the vastness of the garden, or the thousands of unique expressions of all the flowers being presented to you.
As you allow your awareness to open up to more possibility within the garden of life, you will see that choice is not a limitation, but instead an invitation to experience more growth, more depth and more opportunity in your life.
The Energy of Choice
As everything is energy, choice presents us with the ability to either choose that which aligns with us energetically or doesn’t. When we choose to operate from a place of true choice then each decision we make is in alignment with our own energy signature at the moment we choose it.
Choice is fluid with new choices being presented to us in every second of our existence. Too much choice can create confusion when we are not aware of the power choice brings us. We may tend to block many of the choices available to us, which may feel as if we do not have choice at all. However, this is just a trick of the mind, another way to take us from living in our power.
Choosing Choice
Choosing to have choice is a powerful choice indeed, one that allows you to Live in Your Power.
The following three tips will assist you in making choice from your place of power instead of giving your choice away to the powers that be.
The Power of Self-Validation
So, you decide that you want to have something new in your life. Perhaps, it’s a new dress, a new car, or you want to learn a new skill or go on a vacation.
You do the research and make the choice to move forward. Afterwards you second guess your choice.
In the moment that you made the choice, you were immediately drawn to it and you trusted your inner guidance. However, after the purchase you start to wonder if you made the right choice.
You look for others to validate your choice, you make yourself wrong for the choice you made. In this moment of searching for outside validation you are in-validating your inner voice, your inner knowing, your inner guidance.
When you remember that you made the choice based on your energetic alignment, the only validation needed is that which you give yourself.
You can easily validate your choice and live in your power of self-validation.
The Power of Possibility
Do you believe that choice is choosing just between two options or do you believe that there is an unlimited supply of options to choose from?
When you believe that the options presented to you are the only choices you have, then you limit the possibility that is available from which you can choose.
When none of the choices presented to you are in alignment with your energy, it’s time to expand your pool of possibility. Tap into your power of possibility and ask a powerful question, like “what other choices do I have?” what other options are available that I have not yet considered?”
Take a 360-degree view of all that is available to you instead of just what you see directly in front of you on your current path. You can easily change direction and go down a different path leading you to the choice of that which is better aligned with you.
The Power of Words
Are you choosing something out of need or real choice? How do you know? The way you feel from the choice will carry a certain energetic signature that will let you know.
When you need to do something, it can feel like a chore.A choice based on a chore carries the vibration of obligation and your energy may feel heavy or contracted. You may dread the choice you are making.
When you are in energetic alignment with what you choose, you may feel giddy or excited and your energy will feel light and expanded.
Perhaps, you really do need to clean the house or buy a gift for a friend. Just by shifting what you say from “I need” to “I choose” you live in your power of words.
The words you say affect how you feel. When you feel obligated, the task may seem daunting or uninviting. When you know you are choosing the task you can then bring true choice back into the experience.
Live In Your Power Every Day
The ability to Live In Your Power is only one choice away and that choice starts with choosing to live in a state of choice in each moment of your day.
My dear friend, what choices can you choose that will bring more choice into your life?
Big Hugs,
My dear friend I believe that when we are aligned with our soul calling we will thrive in every aspect of our human experience. I help women reconnect with their authenticity, know their truth, master a loving mindset, and make themselves a priority in their lives. Because when you let go of how you've been defined you'll uncover who you truly are.