

Hi my friend,

I’m Theresa, an Empowerment Coach for Women and I have a secret to share with you…

I’ve struggled with understanding what it means to be a powerful woman most of my life, until recently…

Here’s what I realized, as women we have more equality, opportunities and choices than ever, but we are also becoming more stressed, tired, unhappy and disconnected from what really matters to us.

It seems to me, in an effort to have it all and be it all, we have forgotten who we truly are and where our POWER comes from.

Being truly POWERFUL isn’t what we see out in the world, and it’s not a destination you arrive at, or a level you have to compete for, prove and strive for, or something you suddenly find one day.

IT’S WHO YOU ARE and even better… you’ve had it all along.

Your POWER is your truth, and it’s time to start living it.

Your presence is a gift
from the Divine,
that is meant to be
shared with the world.


Get Started on the Path of Empowerment

Let’s be honest, living your truth takes courage in a world that is constantly shaking things up!  That craving for security, stability and certainty can no longer be found out there, in a job, a spouse or partner, or the old systems, structures and beliefs we have known.  We are in a massive shift and time of change all leading us to wake up and realize that everything we are looking for is within us and it’s time to take our power back. Here’s how I can help you rediscover your power…


Learn how to quiet the outside noise and reconnect with yourself so you hear the wisdom of your inner guidance and intentionally live your life on purpose.


Realign your energy with your priorities, master saying no without the guilt and conquer overwhelm so you bring more balance & harmony into your daily life.


Release the stories, expectations, guilt, indecision and limiting beliefs that don’t support who you are now so you can align with what brings you joy and fulfillment in your life and career.


Design a life that aligns with your soul purpose so you can be the expression of who you are meant to be and show up with confidence in all your relationships.














Let’s walk the path to empowerment together

Theresa Maguire is an empowerment coach for women helping busy professionals let go of overwhelm and tune into their inner guidance so they step confidently into the full potential of who they are meant to be and live a more authentic, fulfilling life.

As an Empowerment & Life Design Coach and Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, one of Theresa’s greatest gifts is helping her clients see themselves through a different lens, so they can create a clear vision of what’s possible in their personal and professional lives.

Through powerful questions and deep inner reflection, Theresa guides her clients to transform overwhelm and limitation into greater clarity, confidence and ease.

Nothing is more rewarding to Theresa than seeing her clients create empowered lives and careers filled with balance and deep meaning aligned with what brings them joy and fulfillment.



Theresa Maguire Empowerment Coach
Personal Coach Theresa Maguire
Theresa Maguire Spiritual Coach for Women
Theresa Maquire


“Before working with Theresa I didn’t feel safe to express my feelings or acknowledge my gifts. Theresa helped me to love and embrace my feelings, develop and trust my intuition, and reconnect with what brings me joy.”~Cheritha


Theresa has helped facilitate me through some extremely challenging times and has always left me feeling more joyful and much lighter about whatever had been bothering me.  She has this uncanny ability and awareness that allows her to know what a person is willing to hear and what is required to shift what a person is currently experiencing as their reality.  I highly recommend anyone who is ready to step into choosing and living more consciously to work with Theresa. She’s brilliant, kind and fun to work with … thank you!  ~Vanessa


“After the session with Theresa everything changed overnight.  The next day I was excited to eat what my body would like instead of sabotaging it with sugar.  I have been actively moving my body daily in some way or form and within the first couple of weeks inches came off easily and effortlessly with joy.”~Katie


Theresa has taught me fun, new ways to alter my thinking and allow a higher vibration into my reality. One day I was heading toward a commitment that I was anxious about and was fighting the urge to turn around and go home. I used one of her processes on the drive there and the day turned out so much better than I had expected. It was a miracle!” ~Kiyomi 



“I have known Theresa for many years and also had the pleasure of working with her. Theresa is a natural when it comes to consciousness and empowerment, she shares her knowledge and wisdom in an always inspiring way. Her honest and forthright way of listening and sharing makes her an amazing teacher, speaker and consultant for personal and business growth. I am honored to call her my friend.” ~Carelyn


“A shift in perspective leads to an open heart. Theresa led me through a powerful exercise in which I could see what was hidden beneath the surface. Once I had a better view of my situation, I was able to shift my perspective. That exercise helped me discover what I didn’t want and what I really want and what has stopped me from achieving some of my desires. As a result I signed up a new client. Thank you, Theresa!” ~Jackie


rewrite your story

Words and stories are an important part of creating and calling our vision toward us. Shifting outer realities begins with shifting our inner narrative. This is a key component for confidently standing in your power and living your purpose in your life and business. Not only are words a means of communicating, they are also very powerful in defining how we see ourselves and the world, and whether we limit or expand ourselves. These stories have power and so do the words you use to tell your story!



Cultivating Habits For Success

Cultivating Habits For Success

Ever wonder why success comes easily to some and others struggle no matter how hard they try? This article explores five behaviors that may be limiting your success. Learn what they are and how to recognize them so you can cultivate habits that support and foster you in achieving your dreams.

read more


Gifts For You

Here you’ll  find journals and guides to help you on your journey of self-discovery, tackle task overwhelm and let go of self-care guilt.


I love pondering the mysteries of life. Here I share my own quotes that capture my perspectives on living an empowered life. Enjoy!

Words of Wisdom

 Here I offer tips and wisdom on a variety of topics related to empowerment to assist you on your journey of self-discovery.

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